Are you ready to tackle Fear? As Modern professional Latina Mothers, we may have been taught or may have even bought into the fear that we have to have it all together. We may be too fearful to start something because it isn’t perfect. What will people think of me? Who am I to do this? Am I qualified? The endless mental attacks can go on loop, and frankly, they are majorly annoying. As a recovering perfectionist, I want to provide you with three strategies to deal with fear so you can tell it to kick rocks. As the song by Zach Williams goes, “Fear is a liar.” Yup, you better believe it.
When I started to build the Mustard Seed Project I was freaked out. I knew I had a mission to help Modern Professionals harness the power of their personal beliefs and values to create a life, of power, passion, and purpose, but I wasn’t 100% sure how to start or if anyone would even care. I was recently laid off from a company that made me feel worthless about myself and I was still recovering from that. I bought into some of the naysayers that I met along my journey who told me I was too young, too introverted, not smart enough, and that I lacked the business acumen to get my business off the ground. I am not going to lie, I wanted everything to be perfect, but I was, and still am building, and building is an ongoing process. Even though I was afraid, I knew I had a mission, and I could not listen to anyone except myself. Had I listened to some of the people’s opinions of me, I wouldn’t be here today. Taking a chance and helping others along their journey.
Fear is miserable and if we don’t get control over it, it can destroy our lives and limit our abilities. Fear starts as thoughts then leads to emotions, strong emotions that can take over and rule our minds. Fear can make us do silly things, or it can prevent us from moving into our purpose. Simply put, fear is the opposite of faith. The sole reason I started The Mustard Seed Project was based on Matthew 17:20, which states, " Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."
When we learn to live by faith and move away from fear, we start to move our mountains and we can have a more powerful, passionate, and purposeful life.
Before we get into the strategies, let’s point out some pitfalls that can trip us up along our way.
1. Thinking we must figure it all out overnight.
2. Caring what other people think of you (your family, friends, etc.)
3. Overthinking and over-analyzing
4. Thinking that everything is easy for everyone else, except for you. The fact is it is hard.
To move around the pitfalls designed to trip us up, let’s move to action and create strategies to overcome fear.
Step 1: Gain a little perspective:
Because fear typically begins with a thought it is important to gain perspective. Start to think about the gifts and talents you naturally have and meditate on those things. When you feel great resistance, that is your greatest opportunity. Tap into what you are feeling. I have learned that if you are feeling some resistance or some fear, it’s a good indicator you should proceed. Case in point. If you want to post more on Instagram, but your fear of judgment sneaks in, that’s a good indicator that you should post. Everyone started at ZERO followers, so go for it. The world needs your voice, but we will never hear it if you keep it locked away.
Step 2: Define your Dream:
The only way out of fear is through it. A dream cannot become reality until you set it into motion. If you have trouble defining your dream take out a list of paper and start creating a detailed list.
Ask yourself:
1. What are the results I want to achieve?
2. What problems do I want to solve?
3. What are the 4 to 5 steps I can take right now to get started on making my dream a reality?
Step 3: Put Yourself Out There:
Now that you have a clearer view of your dream you are probably feeling a lot more excited, and the fear has started to subside. Unless you take action to implement and put yourself out there, fear will creep back in and try to take over your mind. The first thing you will need to do to move towards your dream is MOVE! Take the first step! Then take another. Consistency is queen. As we encouraged our children to keep walking when they first took their steps, we must encourage ourselves. You didn’t tell your precious child they were stupid for falling down, No, you loved them, you encouraged them. Be your own mother, and love yourself, care for yourself, and encourage yourself. Like those wobbly baby steps, your darling baby took, while you cheered and jumped up and down, cheer yourself on! Your legs will get stronger in time.
Start small. Don’t eat the whole pie in one bite. As much as I love PIE and boy do I love pie, I would hate it if I had to eat an entire pie in one bit. Same for you. Break down your dreams into small digestible bites and be present through each experience. The joy is the journey, not just the destination. You learn so much about yourself when you slow down and enjoy the scenery. For myself, I have re-directed, changed directions, and redesigned more times than I can remember. I am sure more change is on the horizon, and I will greet it when I get there. For now, I am enjoying the evolution of the business and I am trying new things. I am learning so much about myself. I am learning what I like, when not to listen to others, and when I need to slow down.
Overcoming fear takes time but scumming to fear is far worse and will rob you of joy, power, passion, and purpose. The major difference in success and lack thereof is action. EVERYONE Started at ZERO, everyone. Move forward with little steps each day, train your mind to focus, and you will move your mountains!
If you are looking for more strategies and ways to create power, passion, and purpose in your life, head over to and set up your 30-minute complimentary call. I can’t wait to help you move your mountains. Until next time friends walk in your power, passion, and purpose!